Commit 5121a7eb authored by Simonas's avatar Simonas

Contact form feedbacks added

parent b62921ac
# Compiled libraries
These files are built from the Loco core. Do not edit!
They've been converted down for PHP 5.2 compatibility in WordPress.
* Downgraded for PHP 5.2 compatibility. Do not edit.
function loco_parse_wp_locale( $tag ){ if( ! preg_match( '/^([a-z]{2,3})(?:[-_]([a-z]{2}))?(?:[-_]([a-z0-9]{3,8}))?$/i', $tag, $tags ) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid WordPress locale: '.json_encode($tag) ); } $data = array( 'lang' => strtolower( $tags[1] ), ); if( isset($tags[2]) && ( $subtag = $tags[2] ) ){ $data['region'] = strtoupper($tags[2]); } if( isset($tags[3]) && ( $subtag = $tags[3] ) ){ $data['variant'] = strtolower($tags[3]); } return $data; }
* Downgraded for PHP 5.2 compatibility. Do not edit.
class LocoDomQuery extends ArrayIterator { public static function parse( $source ){ $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8' ); $dom->preserveWhitespace = true; $dom->formatOutput = false; $source = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /></head><body>'.$source.'</body></html>'; $used_errors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $opts = LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD; $parsed = $dom->loadHTML( $source, $opts ); $errors = libxml_get_errors(); $used_errors || libxml_use_internal_errors(false); libxml_clear_errors(); if( $errors || ! $parsed ){ $e = new Loco_error_ParseException('Unknown parse error'); foreach( $errors as $error ){ $e = new Loco_error_ParseException( trim($error->message) ); $e->setContext( $error->line, $error->column, $source ); if( LIBXML_ERR_FATAL === $error->level ){ throw $e; } } if( ! $parsed ){ throw $e; } } return $dom; } public function __construct( $value ){ if( is_array($value) ){ $nodes = $value; } else if( $value instanceof DOMDocument ){ $nodes = array( $value->documentElement ); } else if( $value instanceof DOMNodeList ){ $nodes = array(); foreach( $value as $node ){ $nodes[] = $node; } } else { $value = self::parse( $value ); $nodes = array( $value->documentElement ); } parent::__construct( $nodes ); } public function eq( $index ){ $q = new LocoDomQuery(array()); if( $el = $this[$index] ){ $q[] = $el; } return $q; } public function find( $value ){ $q = new LocoDomQuery( array() ); $f = new _LocoDomQueryFilter($value); foreach( $this as $el ){ foreach( $f->filter($el) as $match ){ $q[] = $match; } } return $q; } public function text(){ $s = ''; foreach( $this as $el ){ $s .= $el->textContent; } return $s; } public function html(){ $s = ''; foreach( $this as $outer ){ foreach( $outer->childNodes as $inner ){ $s .= $inner->ownerDocument->saveXML($inner); } break; } return $s; } public function attr( $name ){ foreach( $this as $el ){ return $el->getAttribute($name); } return null; } public function serialize(){ $pairs = array(); foreach( array('input','select','textarea','button') as $type ){ foreach( $this->find($type) as $field ){ $name = $field->getAttribute('name'); if( ! $name ){ continue; } if( $field->hasAttribute('type') ){ $type = $field->getAttribute('type'); } if( 'select' === $type ){ $value = null; $f = new _LocoDomQueryFilter('option'); foreach( $f->filter($field) as $option ){ if( $option->hasAttribute('value') ){ $_value = $option->getAttribute('value'); } else { $_value = $option->nodeValue; } if( $option->hasAttribute('selected') ){ $value = $_value; break; } else if( is_null($value) ){ $value = $_value; } } if( is_null($value) ){ $value = ''; } } else if( 'checkbox' === $type || 'radio' === $type ){ if( $field->hasAttribute('checked') ){ $value = $field->getAttribute('value'); } else { continue; } } else if( 'file' === $type ){ $value = ''; } else if( $field->hasAttribute('value') ){ $value = $field->getAttribute('value'); } else { $value = $field->textContent; } $pairs[] = sprintf('%s=%s', rawurlencode($name), rawurlencode($value) ); } } return implode('&',$pairs); } }
class _LocoDomQueryFilter { private $tag; private $attr = array(); public function __construct( $value ){ $id = '[-_a-z][-_a-z0-9]*'; if( ! preg_match('/^([a-z1-6]*)(#'.$id.')?(\.'.$id.')?(\[(\w+)="(.+)"\])?$/i', $value, $r ) ){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Bad filter, '.$value ); } if( $r[1] ){ $this->tag = $r[1]; } if( ! empty($r[2]) ){ $this->attr['id'] = substr($r[2],1); } if( ! empty($r[3]) ){ $this->attr['class'] = substr($r[3],1); } if( ! empty($r[4]) ){ $this->attr[ $r[5] ] = $r[6]; } } public function filter( DOMElement $el ){ if( $this->tag ){ $list = $el->getElementsByTagName($this->tag); $recursive = false; } else { $list = $el->childNodes; $recursive = true; } if( $this->attr ){ $list = $this->reduce( $list, new ArrayIterator, $recursive )->getArrayCopy(); } return $list; } public function reduce( DOMNodeList $list, ArrayIterator $reduced, $recursive ){ foreach( $list as $node ){ if( $node instanceof DOMElement ){ $matched = false; foreach( $this->attr as $name => $value ){ if( ! $node->hasAttribute($name) ){ $matched = false; break; } $values = array_flip( explode(' ', $node->getAttribute($name) ) ); if( ! isset($values[$value]) ){ $matched = false; break; } $matched = true; } if( $matched ){ $reduced[] = $node; } if( $recursive && $node->hasChildNodes() ){ $this->reduce( $node->childNodes, $reduced, true ); } } } return $reduced; } }
* Compiled data. Do not edit.
return array('aa'=>'Afar','ab'=>'Abkhazian','ae'=>'Avestan','af'=>'Afrikaans','ak'=>'Akan','am'=>'Amharic','an'=>'Aragonese','ar'=>'Arabic','arq'=>'Algerian Arabic','ary'=>'Moroccan Arabic','as'=>'Assamese','ast'=>'Asturian','av'=>'Avaric','ay'=>'Aymara','az'=>'Azerbaijani','azb'=>'South Azerbaijani','ba'=>'Bashkir','bal'=>'Baluchi','bcc'=>'Southern Balochi','be'=>'Belarusian','bg'=>'Bulgarian','bi'=>'Bislama','bm'=>'Bambara','bn'=>'Bengali','bo'=>'Tibetan','br'=>'Breton','bs'=>'Bosnian','ca'=>'Catalan','ce'=>'Chechen','ceb'=>'Cebuano','ch'=>'Chamorro','ckb'=>'Central Kurdish','co'=>'Corsican','cr'=>'Cree','cs'=>'Czech','cu'=>'Church Slavic','cv'=>'Chuvash','cy'=>'Welsh','da'=>'Danish','de'=>'German','dv'=>'Dhivehi','dz'=>'Dzongkha','ee'=>'Ewe','el'=>'Greek','en'=>'English','eo'=>'Esperanto','es'=>'Spanish','et'=>'Estonian','eu'=>'Basque','fa'=>'Persian','ff'=>'Fulah','fi'=>'Finnish','fj'=>'Fijian','fo'=>'Faroese','fr'=>'French','frp'=>'Arpitan','fuc'=>'Pulaar','fur'=>'Friulian','fy'=>'Western Frisian','ga'=>'Irish','gd'=>'Scottish Gaelic','gl'=>'Galician','gn'=>'Guarani','gsw'=>'Swiss German','gu'=>'Gujarati','gv'=>'Manx','ha'=>'Hausa','haw'=>'Hawaiian','haz'=>'Hazaragi','he'=>'Hebrew','hi'=>'Hindi','ho'=>'Hiri Motu','hr'=>'Croatian','ht'=>'Haitian','hu'=>'Hungarian','hy'=>'Armenian','hz'=>'Herero','ia'=>'Interlingua','id'=>'Indonesian','ie'=>'Interlingue','ig'=>'Igbo','ii'=>'Sichuan Yi','ik'=>'Inupiaq','io'=>'Ido','is'=>'Icelandic','it'=>'Italian','iu'=>'Inuktitut','ja'=>'Japanese','jv'=>'Javanese','ka'=>'Georgian','kab'=>'Kabyle','kg'=>'Kongo','ki'=>'Kikuyu','kj'=>'Kuanyama','kk'=>'Kazakh','kl'=>'Kalaallisut','km'=>'Central Khmer','kn'=>'Kannada','ko'=>'Korean','kr'=>'Kanuri','ks'=>'Kashmiri','ku'=>'Kurdish','kv'=>'Komi','kw'=>'Cornish','ky'=>'Kirghiz','la'=>'Latin','lb'=>'Luxembourgish','lg'=>'Ganda','li'=>'Limburgan','ln'=>'Lingala','lo'=>'Lao','lt'=>'Lithuanian','lu'=>'Luba-Katanga','lv'=>'Latvian','mg'=>'Malagasy','mh'=>'Marshallese','mi'=>'Maori','mk'=>'Macedonian','ml'=>'Malayalam','mn'=>'Mongolian','mr'=>'Marathi','ms'=>'Malay','mt'=>'Maltese','my'=>'Burmese','na'=>'Nauru','nb'=>'Norwegian Bokmål','nd'=>'North Ndebele','ne'=>'Nepali','ng'=>'Ndonga','nl'=>'Dutch','nn'=>'Norwegian Nynorsk','no'=>'Norwegian','nr'=>'South Ndebele','nv'=>'Navajo','ny'=>'Nyanja','oc'=>'Occitan (post 1500)','oj'=>'Ojibwa','om'=>'Oromo','or'=>'Oriya','ory'=>'Oriya (individual language)','os'=>'Ossetian','pa'=>'Panjabi','pi'=>'Pali','pl'=>'Polish','ps'=>'Pushto','pt'=>'Portuguese','qu'=>'Quechua','rhg'=>'Rohingya','rm'=>'Romansh','rn'=>'Rundi','ro'=>'Romanian','ru'=>'Russian','rue'=>'Rusyn','rup'=>'Macedo-Romanian','rw'=>'Kinyarwanda','sa'=>'Sanskrit','sah'=>'Yakut','sc'=>'Sardinian','sd'=>'Sindhi','se'=>'Northern Sami','sg'=>'Sango','sh'=>'Serbo-Croatian','si'=>'Sinhala','sk'=>'Slovak','sl'=>'Slovenian','sm'=>'Samoan','sn'=>'Shona','so'=>'Somali','sq'=>'Albanian','sr'=>'Serbian','ss'=>'Swati','st'=>'Southern Sotho','su'=>'Sundanese','sv'=>'Swedish','sw'=>'Swahili','szl'=>'Silesian','ta'=>'Tamil','te'=>'Telugu','tg'=>'Tajik','th'=>'Thai','ti'=>'Tigrinya','tk'=>'Turkmen','tl'=>'Tagalog','tn'=>'Tswana','to'=>'Tonga (Tonga Islands)','tr'=>'Turkish','ts'=>'Tsonga','tt'=>'Tatar','tw'=>'Twi','twd'=>'Twents','ty'=>'Tahitian','tzm'=>'Central Atlas Tamazight','ug'=>'Uighur','uk'=>'Ukrainian','ur'=>'Urdu','uz'=>'Uzbek','ve'=>'Venda','vi'=>'Vietnamese','vo'=>'Volapük','wa'=>'Walloon','wo'=>'Wolof','xh'=>'Xhosa','xmf'=>'Mingrelian','yi'=>'Yiddish','yo'=>'Yoruba','za'=>'Zhuang','zh'=>'Chinese','zu'=>'Zulu');
* Compiled data. Do not edit.
return array('af'=>array(0=>'Afrikaans',1=>'Afrikaans'),'ar'=>array(0=>'Arabic',1=>'العربية'),'ary'=>array(0=>'Moroccan Arabic',1=>'العربية المغربية'),'as'=>array(0=>'Assamese',1=>'অসমীয়া'),'azb'=>array(0=>'South Azerbaijani',1=>'گؤنئی آذربایجان'),'az'=>array(0=>'Azerbaijani',1=>'Azərbaycan dili'),'bel'=>array(0=>'Belarusian',1=>'Беларуская мова'),'bg_BG'=>array(0=>'Bulgarian',1=>'Български'),'bn_BD'=>array(0=>'Bengali',1=>'বাংলা'),'bo'=>array(0=>'Tibetan',1=>'བོད་ཡིག'),'bs_BA'=>array(0=>'Bosnian',1=>'Bosanski'),'ca'=>array(0=>'Catalan',1=>'Català'),'ceb'=>array(0=>'Cebuano',1=>'Cebuano'),'cs_CZ'=>array(0=>'Czech',1=>'Čeština'),'cy'=>array(0=>'Welsh',1=>'Cymraeg'),'da_DK'=>array(0=>'Danish',1=>'Dansk'),'de_DE'=>array(0=>'German',1=>'Deutsch'),'de_CH_informal'=>array(0=>'German (Switzerland, Informal)',1=>'Deutsch (Schweiz, Du)'),'de_CH'=>array(0=>'German (Switzerland)',1=>'Deutsch (Schweiz)'),'de_DE_formal'=>array(0=>'German (Formal)',1=>'Deutsch (Sie)'),'dzo'=>array(0=>'Dzongkha',1=>'རྫོང་ཁ'),'el'=>array(0=>'Greek',1=>'Ελληνικά'),'en_NZ'=>array(0=>'English (New Zealand)',1=>'English (New Zealand)'),'en_GB'=>array(0=>'English (UK)',1=>'English (UK)'),'en_CA'=>array(0=>'English (Canada)',1=>'English (Canada)'),'en_ZA'=>array(0=>'English (South Africa)',1=>'English (South Africa)'),'en_AU'=>array(0=>'English (Australia)',1=>'English (Australia)'),'eo'=>array(0=>'Esperanto',1=>'Esperanto'),'es_AR'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Argentina)',1=>'Español de Argentina'),'es_CL'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Chile)',1=>'Español de Chile'),'es_MX'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Mexico)',1=>'Español de México'),'es_GT'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Guatemala)',1=>'Español de Guatemala'),'es_VE'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Venezuela)',1=>'Español de Venezuela'),'es_CR'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Costa Rica)',1=>'Español de Costa Rica'),'es_PE'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Peru)',1=>'Español de Perú'),'es_ES'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Spain)',1=>'Español'),'es_CO'=>array(0=>'Spanish (Colombia)',1=>'Español de Colombia'),'et'=>array(0=>'Estonian',1=>'Eesti'),'eu'=>array(0=>'Basque',1=>'Euskara'),'fa_IR'=>array(0=>'Persian',1=>'فارسی'),'fi'=>array(0=>'Finnish',1=>'Suomi'),'fr_BE'=>array(0=>'French (Belgium)',1=>'Français de Belgique'),'fr_CA'=>array(0=>'French (Canada)',1=>'Français du Canada'),'fr_FR'=>array(0=>'French (France)',1=>'Français'),'fur'=>array(0=>'Friulian',1=>'Friulian'),'gd'=>array(0=>'Scottish Gaelic',1=>'Gàidhlig'),'gl_ES'=>array(0=>'Galician',1=>'Galego'),'gu'=>array(0=>'Gujarati',1=>'ગુજરાતી'),'haz'=>array(0=>'Hazaragi',1=>'هزاره گی'),'he_IL'=>array(0=>'Hebrew',1=>'עִבְרִית'),'hi_IN'=>array(0=>'Hindi',1=>'हिन्दी'),'hr'=>array(0=>'Croatian',1=>'Hrvatski'),'hu_HU'=>array(0=>'Hungarian',1=>'Magyar'),'hy'=>array(0=>'Armenian',1=>'Հայերեն'),'id_ID'=>array(0=>'Indonesian',1=>'Bahasa Indonesia'),'is_IS'=>array(0=>'Icelandic',1=>'Íslenska'),'it_IT'=>array(0=>'Italian',1=>'Italiano'),'ja'=>array(0=>'Japanese',1=>'日本語'),'jv_ID'=>array(0=>'Javanese',1=>'Basa Jawa'),'ka_GE'=>array(0=>'Georgian',1=>'ქართული'),'kab'=>array(0=>'Kabyle',1=>'Taqbaylit'),'kk'=>array(0=>'Kazakh',1=>'Қазақ тілі'),'km'=>array(0=>'Khmer',1=>'ភាសាខ្មែរ'),'ko_KR'=>array(0=>'Korean',1=>'한국어'),'ckb'=>array(0=>'Kurdish (Sorani)',1=>'كوردی‎'),'lo'=>array(0=>'Lao',1=>'ພາສາລາວ'),'lt_LT'=>array(0=>'Lithuanian',1=>'Lietuvių kalba'),'lv'=>array(0=>'Latvian',1=>'Latviešu valoda'),'mk_MK'=>array(0=>'Macedonian',1=>'Македонски јазик'),'ml_IN'=>array(0=>'Malayalam',1=>'മലയാളം'),'mn'=>array(0=>'Mongolian',1=>'Монгол'),'mr'=>array(0=>'Marathi',1=>'मराठी'),'ms_MY'=>array(0=>'Malay',1=>'Bahasa Melayu'),'my_MM'=>array(0=>'Myanmar (Burmese)',1=>'ဗမာစာ'),'nb_NO'=>array(0=>'Norwegian (Bokmål)',1=>'Norsk bokmål'),'ne_NP'=>array(0=>'Nepali',1=>'नेपाली'),'nl_NL'=>array(0=>'Dutch',1=>'Nederlands'),'nl_NL_formal'=>array(0=>'Dutch (Formal)',1=>'Nederlands (Formeel)'),'nl_BE'=>array(0=>'Dutch (Belgium)',1=>'Nederlands (België)'),'nn_NO'=>array(0=>'Norwegian (Nynorsk)',1=>'Norsk nynorsk'),'oci'=>array(0=>'Occitan',1=>'Occitan'),'pa_IN'=>array(0=>'Punjabi',1=>'ਪੰਜਾਬੀ'),'pl_PL'=>array(0=>'Polish',1=>'Polski'),'ps'=>array(0=>'Pashto',1=>'پښتو'),'pt_BR'=>array(0=>'Portuguese (Brazil)',1=>'Português do Brasil'),'pt_PT'=>array(0=>'Portuguese (Portugal)',1=>'Português'),'pt_PT_ao90'=>array(0=>'Portuguese (Portugal, AO90)',1=>'Português (AO90)'),'rhg'=>array(0=>'Rohingya',1=>'Ruáinga'),'ro_RO'=>array(0=>'Romanian',1=>'Română'),'ru_RU'=>array(0=>'Russian',1=>'Русский'),'sah'=>array(0=>'Sakha',1=>'Сахалыы'),'si_LK'=>array(0=>'Sinhala',1=>'සිංහල'),'sk_SK'=>array(0=>'Slovak',1=>'Slovenčina'),'sl_SI'=>array(0=>'Slovenian',1=>'Slovenščina'),'sq'=>array(0=>'Albanian',1=>'Shqip'),'sr_RS'=>array(0=>'Serbian',1=>'Српски језик'),'sv_SE'=>array(0=>'Swedish',1=>'Svenska'),'szl'=>array(0=>'Silesian',1=>'Ślōnskŏ gŏdka'),'ta_IN'=>array(0=>'Tamil',1=>'தமிழ்'),'te'=>array(0=>'Telugu',1=>'తెలుగు'),'th'=>array(0=>'Thai',1=>'ไทย'),'tl'=>array(0=>'Tagalog',1=>'Tagalog'),'tr_TR'=>array(0=>'Turkish',1=>'Türkçe'),'tt_RU'=>array(0=>'Tatar',1=>'Татар теле'),'tah'=>array(0=>'Tahitian',1=>'Reo Tahiti'),'ug_CN'=>array(0=>'Uighur',1=>'ئۇيغۇرچە'),'uk'=>array(0=>'Ukrainian',1=>'Українська'),'ur'=>array(0=>'Urdu',1=>'اردو'),'uz_UZ'=>array(0=>'Uzbek',1=>'O‘zbekcha'),'vi'=>array(0=>'Vietnamese',1=>'Tiếng Việt'),'zh_HK'=>array(0=>'Chinese (Hong Kong)',1=>'香港中文版 '),'zh_CN'=>array(0=>'Chinese (China)',1=>'简体中文'),'zh_TW'=>array(0=>'Chinese (Taiwan)',1=>'繁體中文'));
* Compiled data. Do not edit.
return array('ak'=>1,'am'=>1,'ar'=>2,'ary'=>2,'be'=>3,'bm'=>4,'bo'=>4,'br'=>1,'bs'=>3,'cs'=>5,'cy'=>6,'dz'=>4,'ff'=>1,'fr'=>1,'ga'=>7,'gd'=>8,'gv'=>9,'hr'=>10,'id'=>4,'ii'=>4,'iu'=>11,'ja'=>4,'ka'=>4,'kk'=>4,'km'=>4,'kn'=>4,'ko'=>4,'kw'=>11,'ky'=>4,'ln'=>1,'lo'=>4,'lt'=>12,'lv'=>13,'mg'=>1,'mi'=>1,'mk'=>14,'ms'=>4,'mt'=>15,'my'=>4,'nr'=>4,'oc'=>1,'pl'=>16,'ro'=>17,'ru'=>3,'sa'=>11,'sg'=>4,'sk'=>5,'sl'=>18,'sm'=>4,'sr'=>3,'su'=>4,'th'=>4,'ti'=>1,'tl'=>1,'to'=>4,'tt'=>4,'ug'=>4,'uk'=>3,'vi'=>4,'wa'=>1,'wo'=>4,'yo'=>4,'zh'=>4,''=>array(0=>array(0=>'n != 1',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'other')),1=>array(0=>'n > 1',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'other')),2=>array(0=>'n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100 >= 3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100 >= 11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5',1=>array(0=>'zero',1=>'one',2=>'two',3=>'few',4=>'many',5=>'other')),3=>array(0=>'(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 && n%10<=4 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2)',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),4=>array(0=>'0',1=>array(0=>'other')),5=>array(0=>'( n == 1 ) ? 0 : ( n >= 2 && n <= 4 ) ? 1 : 2',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),6=>array(0=>'n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n==3 ? 3 : n==6 ? 4 : 5',1=>array(0=>'zero',1=>'one',2=>'two',3=>'few',4=>'many',5=>'other')),7=>array(0=>'n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'two',2=>'few',3=>'many',4=>'other')),8=>array(0=>'n==1||n==11 ? 0 : n==2||n==12 ? 1 :(n >= 3 && n<=10)||(n >= 13 && n<=19)? 2 : 3',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'two',2=>'few',3=>'other')),9=>array(0=>'n%10==1 ? 0 : n%10==2 ? 1 : n%20==0 ? 2 : 3',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'two',2=>'few',3=>'other')),10=>array(0=>'n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 && n%10<=4 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),11=>array(0=>'n == 1 ? 0 : n == 2 ? 1 : 2',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'two',2=>'other')),12=>array(0=>'(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2)',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),13=>array(0=>'n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'other',2=>'zero')),14=>array(0=>'( n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ) ? 0 : 1',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'other')),15=>array(0=>'(n==1 ? 0 : n==0||( n%100>1 && n%100<11)? 1 :(n%100>10 && n%100<20)? 2 : 3)',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'many',3=>'other')),16=>array(0=>'(n==1 ? 0 : n%10 >= 2 && n%10<=4 &&(n%100<10||n%100 >= 20)? 1 : 2)',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),17=>array(0=>'(n==1 ? 0 :(((n%100>19)||(( n%100==0)&&(n!=0)))? 2 : 1))',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'few',2=>'other')),18=>array(0=>'n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3||n%100==4 ? 2 : 3',1=>array(0=>'one',1=>'two',2=>'few',3=>'other'))));
* Compiled data. Do not edit.
return array('AD'=>'Andorra','AE'=>'United Arab Emirates','AF'=>'Afghanistan','AG'=>'Antigua and Barbuda','AI'=>'Anguilla','AL'=>'Albania','AM'=>'Armenia','AO'=>'Angola','AQ'=>'Antarctica','AR'=>'Argentina','AS'=>'American Samoa','AT'=>'Austria','AU'=>'Australia','AW'=>'Aruba','AX'=>'Åland Islands','AZ'=>'Azerbaijan','BA'=>'Bosnia and Herzegovina','BB'=>'Barbados','BD'=>'Bangladesh','BE'=>'Belgium','BF'=>'Burkina Faso','BG'=>'Bulgaria','BH'=>'Bahrain','BI'=>'Burundi','BJ'=>'Benin','BL'=>'Saint Barthélemy','BM'=>'Bermuda','BN'=>'Brunei Darussalam','BO'=>'Bolivia','BQ'=>'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba','BR'=>'Brazil','BS'=>'Bahamas','BT'=>'Bhutan','BV'=>'Bouvet Island','BW'=>'Botswana','BY'=>'Belarus','BZ'=>'Belize','CA'=>'Canada','CC'=>'Cocos (Keeling) Islands','CD'=>'The Democratic Republic of the Congo','CF'=>'Central African Republic','CG'=>'Congo','CH'=>'Switzerland','CI'=>'Côte d\'Ivoire','CK'=>'Cook Islands','CL'=>'Chile','CM'=>'Cameroon','CN'=>'China','CO'=>'Colombia','CR'=>'Costa Rica','CU'=>'Cuba','CV'=>'Cabo Verde; Cape Verde','CW'=>'Curaçao','CX'=>'Christmas Island','CY'=>'Cyprus','CZ'=>'Czech Republic','DE'=>'Germany','DJ'=>'Djibouti','DK'=>'Denmark','DM'=>'Dominica','DO'=>'Dominican Republic','DZ'=>'Algeria','EC'=>'Ecuador','EE'=>'Estonia','EG'=>'Egypt','EH'=>'Western Sahara','ER'=>'Eritrea','ES'=>'Spain','ET'=>'Ethiopia','FI'=>'Finland','FJ'=>'Fiji','FK'=>'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)','FM'=>'Federated States of Micronesia','FO'=>'Faroe Islands','FR'=>'France','GA'=>'Gabon','GB'=>'United Kingdom','GD'=>'Grenada','GE'=>'Georgia','GF'=>'French Guiana','GG'=>'Guernsey','GH'=>'Ghana','GI'=>'Gibraltar','GL'=>'Greenland','GM'=>'Gambia','GN'=>'Guinea','GP'=>'Guadeloupe','GQ'=>'Equatorial Guinea','GR'=>'Greece','GS'=>'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands','GT'=>'Guatemala','GU'=>'Guam','GW'=>'Guinea-Bissau','GY'=>'Guyana','HK'=>'Hong Kong','HM'=>'Heard Island and McDonald Islands','HN'=>'Honduras','HR'=>'Croatia','HT'=>'Haiti','HU'=>'Hungary','ID'=>'Indonesia','IE'=>'Ireland','IL'=>'Israel','IM'=>'Isle of Man','IN'=>'India','IO'=>'British Indian Ocean Territory','IQ'=>'Iraq','IR'=>'Islamic Republic of Iran','IS'=>'Iceland','IT'=>'Italy','JE'=>'Jersey','JM'=>'Jamaica','JO'=>'Jordan','JP'=>'Japan','KE'=>'Kenya','KG'=>'Kyrgyzstan','KH'=>'Cambodia','KI'=>'Kiribati','KM'=>'Comoros','KN'=>'Saint Kitts and Nevis','KP'=>'Democratic People\'s Republic of Korea','KR'=>'Republic of Korea','KW'=>'Kuwait','KY'=>'Cayman Islands','KZ'=>'Kazakhstan','LA'=>'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic','LB'=>'Lebanon','LC'=>'Saint Lucia','LI'=>'Liechtenstein','LK'=>'Sri Lanka','LR'=>'Liberia','LS'=>'Lesotho','LT'=>'Lithuania','LU'=>'Luxembourg','LV'=>'Latvia','LY'=>'Libya','MA'=>'Morocco','MC'=>'Monaco','MD'=>'Moldova','ME'=>'Montenegro','MF'=>'Saint Martin (French part)','MG'=>'Madagascar','MH'=>'Marshall Islands','MK'=>'The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia','ML'=>'Mali','MM'=>'Myanmar','MN'=>'Mongolia','MO'=>'Macao','MP'=>'Northern Mariana Islands','MQ'=>'Martinique','MR'=>'Mauritania','MS'=>'Montserrat','MT'=>'Malta','MU'=>'Mauritius','MV'=>'Maldives','MW'=>'Malawi','MX'=>'Mexico','MY'=>'Malaysia','MZ'=>'Mozambique','NA'=>'Namibia','NC'=>'New Caledonia','NE'=>'Niger','NF'=>'Norfolk Island','NG'=>'Nigeria','NI'=>'Nicaragua','NL'=>'Netherlands','NO'=>'Norway','NP'=>'Nepal','NR'=>'Nauru','NU'=>'Niue','NZ'=>'New Zealand','OM'=>'Oman','PA'=>'Panama','PE'=>'Peru','PF'=>'French Polynesia','PG'=>'Papua New Guinea','PH'=>'Philippines','PK'=>'Pakistan','PL'=>'Poland','PM'=>'Saint Pierre and Miquelon','PN'=>'Pitcairn','PR'=>'Puerto Rico','PS'=>'State of Palestine','PT'=>'Portugal','PW'=>'Palau','PY'=>'Paraguay','QA'=>'Qatar','RE'=>'Réunion','RO'=>'Romania','RS'=>'Serbia','RU'=>'Russian Federation','RW'=>'Rwanda','SA'=>'Saudi Arabia','SB'=>'Solomon Islands','SC'=>'Seychelles','SD'=>'Sudan','SE'=>'Sweden','SG'=>'Singapore','SH'=>'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha','SI'=>'Slovenia','SJ'=>'Svalbard and Jan Mayen','SK'=>'Slovakia','SL'=>'Sierra Leone','SM'=>'San Marino','SN'=>'Senegal','SO'=>'Somalia','SR'=>'Suriname','SS'=>'South Sudan','ST'=>'Sao Tome and Principe','SV'=>'El Salvador','SX'=>'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)','SY'=>'Syrian Arab Republic','SZ'=>'Swaziland','TC'=>'Turks and Caicos Islands','TD'=>'Chad','TF'=>'French Southern Territories','TG'=>'Togo','TH'=>'Thailand','TJ'=>'Tajikistan','TK'=>'Tokelau','TL'=>'Timor-Leste','TM'=>'Turkmenistan','TN'=>'Tunisia','TO'=>'Tonga','TR'=>'Turkey','TT'=>'Trinidad and Tobago','TV'=>'Tuvalu','TW'=>'Taiwan','TZ'=>'United Republic of Tanzania','UA'=>'Ukraine','UG'=>'Uganda','UM'=>'United States Minor Outlying Islands','US'=>'United States','UY'=>'Uruguay','UZ'=>'Uzbekistan','VA'=>'Holy See (Vatican City State)','VC'=>'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines','VE'=>'Venezuela','VG'=>'British Virgin Islands','VI'=>'U.S. Virgin Islands','VN'=>'Viet Nam','VU'=>'Vanuatu','WF'=>'Wallis and Futuna','WS'=>'Samoa','YE'=>'Yemen','YT'=>'Mayotte','ZA'=>'South Africa','ZM'=>'Zambia','ZW'=>'Zimbabwe','ZZ'=>'Private use');
Plugin Name: Loco Translate
Plugin URI:
Description: Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress
Author: Tim Whitlock
Version: 2.2.2
Author URI:
Text Domain: loco-translate
Domain Path: /languages/
// disallow execution out of context
if( ! function_exists('is_admin') ){
// legacy plugin should not be installed at the same time
if( function_exists('loco_require') ){
* Get absolute path to Loco primary plugin file
* @return string
function loco_plugin_file(){
return __FILE__;
* Get version of this plugin
* @return string
function loco_plugin_version(){
return '2.2.2';
* Get Loco plugin handle, used by WordPress to identify plugin as a relative path
* @return string probably "loco-translate/loco.php"
function loco_plugin_self(){
static $handle;
isset($handle) or $handle = plugin_basename(__FILE__);
return $handle;
* Get absolute path to plugin root directory
* @return string __DIR__
function loco_plugin_root(){
static $root;
isset($root) or $root = dirname(__FILE__);
return $root;
* Check whether currently running in debug mode
* @return bool
function loco_debugging(){
return apply_filters('loco_debug', WP_DEBUG );
* Whether currently processing an Ajax request
* @return bool
function loco_doing_ajax(){
return defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX;
* Evaluate a constant by name
* @param string
* @return mixed
function loco_constant( $name ){
$value = defined($name) ? constant($name) : null;
// constant values will only be modified in tests
if( defined('LOCO_TEST') && LOCO_TEST ){
$value = apply_filters('loco_constant', $value, $name );
$value = apply_filters('loco_constant_'.$name, $value );
return $value;
* Runtime inclusion of any file under plugin root
* @param string PHP file path relative to __DIR__
* @return mixed return value from included file
function loco_include( $relpath ){
$path = loco_plugin_root().'/'.$relpath;
if( ! file_exists($path) ){
throw new Loco_error_Exception('File not found: '.$path);
return include $path;
* Require dependant library once only
* @param string PHP file path relative to ./lib
* @return void
function loco_require_lib( $path ){
require_once loco_plugin_root().'/lib/'.$path;
* Check PHP extension required by Loco and load polyfill if needed
* @param string
* @return bool
function loco_check_extension( $name ) {
static $cache = array();
if ( ! isset( $cache[$name] ) ) {
if ( extension_loaded($name) ) {
$cache[ $name ] = true;
else {
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( sprintf( __('Loco requires the "%s" PHP extension. Ask your hosting provider to install it','loco-translate'), $name ) );
$class = 'Loco_compat_'.ucfirst($name).'Extension.php';
$cache[$name] = class_exists($class);
return $cache[ $name ];
* Class autoloader for Loco classes under src directory.
* e.g. class "Loco_foo_FooBar" wil be found in "src/foo/FooBar.php"
* Also does autoload for polyfills under "src/compat" if $name < 20 chars
* @internal
* @param string
* @return void
function loco_autoload( $name ){
if( 'Loco_' === substr($name,0,5) ){
loco_include( 'src/'.strtr( substr($name,5), '_', '/' ).'.php' );
else if( ! isset($name{20}) && file_exists( $path = loco_plugin_root().'/src/compat/'.$name.'.php') ){
require $path;
spl_autoload_register( 'loco_autoload', false );
// provide safe directory for custom translations that won't be deleted during auto-updates
if( ! defined('LOCO_LANG_DIR') ){
define( 'LOCO_LANG_DIR', trailingslashit(loco_constant('WP_LANG_DIR')).'loco' );
// text domain loading helper for custom file locations. disable by setting constant empty
new Loco_hooks_LoadHelper;
// initialize hooks for admin screens
if( is_admin() ){
new Loco_hooks_AdminHooks;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bundle name="Loco Translate" min-version="2.0.14">
<domain name="loco-translate">
<project name="Loco Translate" slug="loco-translate">
This diff is collapsed.
form.loco-filter{float:right}@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px){table.wp-list-table a.row-title{max-width:100px}}
form#loco-conf>div{overflow:visible;border-bottom:solid 1px #ccc;padding-top:2em}form#loco-conf>div h2{margin-top:0}form#loco-conf td.twin>div{float:left;clear:none;width:50%}form#loco-conf td .description:first-child{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:4px}form#loco-conf a.icon-del{display:block;float:right;z-index:99;color:#aaa;outline:none}form#loco-conf a.icon-del:hover{color:#cc0000}form#loco-conf>div:first-child a.icon-del{display:none}form#loco-conf p.description{color:#aaa;font-size:12px;text-indent:0.25em}form#loco-conf tr:hover p.description{color:#666}form#loco-reset{position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0}
This diff is collapsed.
#loco.wrap .notice-info dl{margin-top:0;display:inline-block}#loco.wrap .notice-info dl dt,#loco.wrap .notice-info dl dd{line-height:1.4em}#loco.wrap .notice-info dl dt{font-weight:bold;color:#555}#loco.wrap .notice-info dl dd{margin-left:0;margin-bottom:0.8em}#loco.wrap .notice-info dl div.progress .l{display:none}
#loco.wrap td.loco-not-active{color:#aaa}#loco.wrap div.loco-projects>h3{float:left}#loco.wrap div.loco-projects form.loco-filter{float:right;margin:1em 0}
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form#loco-poinit .loco-locales fieldset{float:left;margin-right:2em}form#loco-poinit .loco-locales fieldset.disabled span.lang{visibility:hidden !important}form#loco-poinit .loco-locales fieldset span.nolang{background:#999}form#loco-poinit .loco-locales fieldset>label span{width:20px;text-align:center;display:inline-block;margin-right:4px}form#loco-poinit a.icon-help{color:#999;font-style:normal;text-decoration:none}form#loco-poinit a.icon-help:hover{color:#666}form#loco-poinit .form-table th{padding:15px 10px}form#loco-poinit .form-table tr:first-child td,form#loco-poinit .form-table tr:first-child th{padding-top:25px}form#loco-poinit label.for-disabled input{visibility:hidden}form#loco-poinit label.for-disabled .icon-lock{top:0;left:0;display:block;position:absolute;width:1em;font-size:14px;text-align:center;color:#808080}
.js #loco.wrap .loco-loading{min-height:100px;background:#fff url(../img/spin-modal.gif) center center no-repeat}.js #loco.wrap .loco-loading ol.msgcat{display:none}#loco.wrap #loco-po{padding-right:0;overflow:auto}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat{margin-left:3em;padding-top:1em;border-top:1px dashed #ccc}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat:first-child{padding-top:0;border-top:none}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li{color:#aaa;margin:0;padding:0 0 0 1em;font:normal 12px/17px 'Monaco','Menlo','Ubuntu Mono','Consolas','source-code-pro',monospace;border-left:1px solid #EEE}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>*{color:#333;white-space:pre}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-comment{color:#3CC200}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-refs{color:#0073aa}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-refs a{color:inherit;text-decoration:none}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-refs a:hover{text-decoration:underline}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-flags{color:#77904a}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-flags em{font-style:normal}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-word{color:#000}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-junk{font-style:italic;color:#CCC}#loco.wrap ol.msgcat li>.po-string>span{color:#C931C7}#loco.wrap form.loco-filter{top:0;right:0;position:absolute}#loco.wrap .loco-invalid form.loco-filter input[type="text"]:focus{border-color:#cc0000;-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 2px rgba(153,0,0,0.5);-moz-box-shadow:0 0 2px rgba(153,0,0,0.5);box-shadow:0 0 2px rgba(153,0,0,0.5)}#loco.wrap .loco-invalid ol.msgcat{list-style-type:none}#loco.wrap .loco-invalid ol.msgcat li{color:#000}.loco-modal{min-width:90% !important;min-height:100px}#loco-po-ref ol li{color:#aaa;margin:0;white-space:pre;padding:0 0 0 1em;font:normal 12px/17px Consolas,Monaco,monospace;background:transparent;border-left:1px solid #EEE}#loco-po-ref ol li code{margin:0;padding:0;display:inline;background:inherit}#loco-po-ref ol li.highlighted{color:#666;background-color:#f8eec7}#loco-po-ref ol li.highlighted code.T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING{color:#C931C7}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(9,100,132,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#096484}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/blue/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(199,165,137,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#c7a589}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/coffee/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(163,183,69,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#a3b745}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/ectoplasm/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(136,136,136,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#888}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/light/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(225,77,67,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#e14d43}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/midnight/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(158,186,160,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#9ebaa0}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/ocean/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-tr:nth-child(even){background-color:rgba(221,130,59,0.05)}.wrap #loco-editor .wg-split-x>nav.wg-tabs>,.wrap #loco-editor .is-table .wg-cols>div>div.selected{background-color:#dd823b}.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content>textarea:focus,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .ace_scroller,.wrap #loco-editor .is-editable>.wg-content.has-focus .mce-content-body{border-color:#5b9dd9;-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);-moz-box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8);box-shadow:inset 0 0 0.6em rgba(30,140,190,0.8)}form button.loco-loading.button-primary[disabled]:before{background:transparent url(../../img/skins/sunrise/spin-primary-button.gif?v=2.2.0) 0 0 no-repeat !important}
This diff is collapsed.
* Script for bundle configuration screen
!function( window, document, $ ){
// utility for scrolling
function elementTop( el, ancestor ){
var y = el.offsetTop;
while( ( el = el.offsetParent ) && el !== ancestor ){
y += el.offsetTop;
return y;
// form duplicator for adding another project
function addProject(){
var $divs = $('#loco-conf > div'),
$copy = $divs.eq(0).clone(),
index = $divs.length,
id = 'loco-conf-'+index,
ns = '['+index+']'
function clearField( i, input ){
var name ='[0]',ns);
$(input).attr('name', name ).val('');
$copy.attr('id', 'loco-conf-'+index );
$copy.find('input').each( clearField );
$copy.find('textarea').each( clearField );
// TODO translations of this:
$copy.find('h2').eq(0).html('New set <span>(untitled)</span>');
createClickRemove( $copy.find('a.icon-del'), index );
// scroll to $copy
$copy.hide().slideDown( 500 );
$('html, body').animate( { scrollTop: elementTop($copy[0]) }, 500 );
function createClickRemove( $el, index ){
return $ function(event){
delProject( index );
return false;
} );
// remove whole set from form
function delProject( index ){
var $div = $('#loco-conf-'+index),
$fld = $div.find('input[name="conf['+index+'][removed]"]')
// setting removed flag saves having to re-index all sets. back end will ignore it.
$div.slideUp( 500, function(){ $(this).hide().find('table').remove(); } );
// enable project removal from initial blocks
$('#loco-conf > div').each( function( index, div ){
createClickRemove( $(div).find('a.icon-del'), index );
} );
// enable project addition via button in footer
$('#loco-add-butt').attr('disabled',false).click( function(event){
return false;
} );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Run Javascript diagnostics
!function( loco, $ ){
// check tick symbol is readable by JavaScript as UTF-8
// E2\x9C\x93 => 0x2713
var span = $('#loco-utf8-check'),
tick = span[0].textContent
if( 1 !== tick.length || 0x2713 !== tick.charCodeAt(0) ){
loco.notices.warning("This page has a problem rendering UTF-8").stick();
// show custom endpoint if set in global
if( window.ajaxurl ){
$('#loco-ajax-url').text( window.ajaxurl );
// check UTF-8 passes to Ajax and back without a problem
function onAjaxTestPass( data, status, xhr ){
if( data && ){
$('#loco-ajax-check').text( );
else {
onAjaxTestFail( xhr, status, data && data.error && data.error.message );
function onAjaxTestFail( xhr, error, message ){
if( 'success' !== error ){
message = loco.ajax.parse( loco.ajax.strip( xhr.responseText ) );
$('#loco-ajax-check').text( 'FAILED: '+message ).addClass('loco-danger');
} 'ping', {echo:'\u039F\u039A \u2713'}, onAjaxTestPass, onAjaxTestFail );
}( window.locoScope, window.jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Script for file delete operation
!function( window, document, $ ){
var fsHook = document.getElementById('loco-fs'),
elForm = document.getElementById('loco-del');
if( fsHook && elForm ){
.init( fsHook )
.setForm( elForm );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* Script for PO/POT file diff renderer and roll back function
!function( window, document, $ ){
var xhr,
cache = [],
conf = window.locoConf,
loco = window.locoScope,
revOffset = 0,
maxOffset = conf.paths.length - 2,
elRoot = document.getElementById('loco-ui'),
fsHook = document.getElementById('loco-fs'),
elForm = elRoot.getElementsByTagName('form').item(0),
buttons = elRoot.getElementsByTagName('button'),
$metas = $(elRoot).find('div.diff-meta'),
prevBut = buttons.item(0),
nextBut = buttons.item(1)
if( fsHook && elForm ){
.init( fsHook )
.setForm( elForm );
function showLoading(){
return $(elRoot).addClass('loading');
function hideLoading(){
return $(elRoot).removeClass('loading');
function setContent( src ){
return $(elRoot).find('div.diff').html( src );
function setError( message ){
return $('<p class="error"></p>').text( message ).appendTo( setContent('') );
// applying line numbers in JS is easier than hacking HTML on the back end, because dom is parsed
function applyLineNumbers( i, tbody ){
var i, cells,
rows = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr'),
nrow = rows.length,
data = tbody.getAttribute('data-diff').split(/\D+/),
xmin = data[0], xmax = data[1],
ymin = data[2], ymax = data[3]
/*function lpad( n, max ){
var str = String( n ),
len = String(max).length;
while( str.length < len ){
str = '\xA0'+str;
return str;
function apply( td, num, max ){
if( num <= max ){
$('<span></span>').text( String(num) ).prependTo( td );
for( i = 0; i < nrow; i++ ){
cells = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
apply( cells[0], xmin++, xmax );
apply( cells[2], ymin++, ymax );
function loadDiff( offset ){
if( xhr ){
// use in-code cache
var src = cache[offset];
if( null != src ){
setContent( src );
// remote load required
xhr = 'diff',
lhs: conf.paths[offset],
rhs: conf.paths[offset+1]
function( r, state, _xhr ){
if( _xhr === xhr ){
if( src = r && r.html ){
cache[offset] = src;
setContent( src ).find('tbody').each( applyLineNumbers );
else {
setError( r && r.error || 'Unknown error' );
function( _xhr, error, message ){
if( _xhr === xhr ){
xhr = null;
// ajax utilty should have extracted meaningful error
setError('Failed to generate diff');
* Go to next revision (newer)
function goNext( event ){
go( revOffset - 1 );
return false;
* Go to previous revision (older)
function goPrev( event ){
go( revOffset + 1 );
return false;
function go( offset ){
if( offset >=0 && offset <= maxOffset ){
revOffset = offset;
loadDiff( offset );
function redraw(){
var i = revOffset, j = i + 1;
// lock navigation to available range
prevBut.disabled = i >= maxOffset;
nextBut.disabled = i <= 0;
// enable navigation if there is something to navigate to
if( maxOffset ){
$(prevBut).click( goPrev ).parent().removeClass('jshide');
$(nextBut).click( goNext ).parent().removeClass('jshide');
// load default diff, which is current version compared to most recent backup
go( 0 );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Script for PO file initializing page
!function( window, document, $ ){
var path,
loco = window.locoScope,
fsHook = document.getElementById('loco-fs'),
elForm = document.getElementById('loco-poinit'),
fsConn = fsHook && loco.fs.init( fsHook )
* Abstract selection of twin mode (Select/Custom) locale input
var localeSelector = function( elForm ){
function isSelectMode(){
return elMode[0].checked;
function setSelectMode(){
elMode[0].checked = true;
redrawMode( true );
function setCustomMode(){
if( ! elCode.value ){
elCode.value = getValue();
elMode[1].checked = true;
//elOpts.selectedIndex = 0;
redrawMode( false );
function getValue(){
var data = $( isSelectMode() ? elOpts : elCode ).serializeArray();
return data[0] && data[0].value || '';
function getLocale(){
var value = getValue();
return value ? loco.locale.parse(value) : loco.locale.clone( {lang:'zxx'} );
function onModeChange(){
redrawMode( isSelectMode() );
return true;
function redrawMode( selectMode ){
elCode.disabled = selectMode;
elOpts.disabled = ! selectMode;
fsCode.className = selectMode ? 'disabled' : 'active';
fsOpts.className = selectMode ? 'active' : 'disabled';
var elOpts = elForm['select-locale'],
elCode = elForm['custom-locale'],
elMode = elForm['use-selector'],
fsOpts = $(elOpts).focus( setSelectMode ).closest('fieldset').click( setSelectMode )[0],
fsCode = $(elCode).focus( setCustomMode ).closest('fieldset').click( setCustomMode )[0];
$(elMode).change( onModeChange );
loco.watchtext( elCode, function(v){ $(elCode.form).triggerHandler('change'); } );
return {
val: getLocale
}( elForm );
* Abstract selection of target directory
var pathSelector = function(){
var elOpts = elForm['select-path'];
function getIndex(){
var pairs = $(elOpts).serializeArray(), pair = pairs[0];
return pair && pair.value || null;
function getSelected( name ){
var index = getIndex();
return index && elForm[name+'['+index+']'];
function getValue(){
var elField = getSelected('path');
return elField && elField.value;
function getLabel(){
var elField = getSelected('path');
return elField && $(elField.parentNode).find('code.path').text();
/*$(elForm['path[0]']).focus( function(){
elOpts[0].checked = true;
} );*/
return {
val: getValue,
txt: getLabel
}( elForm );
// enable disable form submission
function setFormDisabled( disabled ){
$(elForm).find('button.button-primary').each( function( i, button ){
button.disabled = disabled;
} );
// Recalculate form submission when any data changes
function validate(){
var locale = localeSelector && localeSelector.val(),
hasloc = locale && locale.isValid() && 'zxx' !== locale.lang,
hasdir = pathSelector && pathSelector.val(),
valid = hasloc && hasdir
redrawLocale( locale );
// disabled until back end validates file path
setFormDisabled( true );
// check calculated path against back end
if( valid ){
var newPath = pathSelector.txt();
if( newPath !== path ){
path = newPath;
fsHook.path.value = path;
else {
setFormDisabled( false );
// connection back end won't warn about system files, so we'll toggle notice here
// actually no need as user will be warned when they go through to the edit screen
// $('#loco-fs-info')[ pathSelector.typ() ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]('jshide');
// callback after file system connect has returned
function onFsConnect( valid ){
setFormDisabled( ! valid );
// show locale in all file paths (or place holder if empty)
function redrawLocale( locale ){
var $form = $(elForm),
loctag = locale && locale.toString('_') || '',
suffix = loctag ? ( 'zxx' === loctag ? '<locale>' : loctag ) : '<invalid>'
$form.find('code.path span').each( function( i, el ){
el.textContent = suffix;
} );
$form.find('span.lang').each( function( i, icon ){
setLocaleIcon( icon, locale );
} );
function setLocaleIcon( icon, locale ){
if( locale && 'zxx' !== locale.lang ){
else {
icon.setAttribute('class','lang nolang');
// Submit form to Ajax end point when ..erm.. submitted
function onMsginitSuccess( data ){
var href = data && data.redirect;
if( href ){
// TODO show success panel and hide form instead of redirect?
// loco.notices.success('YES');
location.assign( href );
function process( event ){
fsConn.applyCreds( elForm );
loco.ajax.submit(, onMsginitSuccess );
// TODO some kind of loader?
return false;
.change( validate )
.submit( process );
redrawLocale( localeSelector.val() );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Script for POT file initializing page
!function( window, document, $ ){
var loco = window.locoScope,
fsHook = document.getElementById('loco-fs'),
elForm = document.getElementById('loco-potinit')
// enable disable form submission
/*function setFormDisabled( disabled ){
$(elForm).find('button.button-primary').each( function( i, button ){
button.disabled = disabled;
} );
// Submit form to Ajax end point when ..erm.. submitted
function onXgettextSuccess( data ){
var href = data && data.redirect;
if( href ){
location.assign( href );
function process( event ){
loco.ajax.submit(, onXgettextSuccess );
return false;
.submit( process );
//setFormDisabled( false );
if( fsHook ){
loco.fs.init(fsHook).setForm( elForm );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Script for PO/POT source view screen
!function( window, document, $ ){
var $modal,
loco = window.locoScope,
conf = window.locoConf,
view = document.getElementById('loco-po');
// index messages and enable text filter
! function( view, dict ){
var min, max,
texts = [],
blocks = [],
valid = true,
filtered = false,
items = $(view).find('li')
function flush(){
if( texts.length ){
blocks.push( [min,max] );
dict.push( texts );
texts = [];
min = null;
items.each( function( i, li ){
var text, $li = $(li);
// empty line indicates end of message
if( $li.find('span.po-none').length ) {
// context indexable if po-text present
else {
max = i;
if( null == min ){
min = i;
if( text = $li.find('.po-text').text() ){
texts = texts.concat( text.replace(/\\[ntvfab\\"]/g, ' ').split(' ') );
} );
// indexing done, enable filtering
// TODO for filtering to perform well, we must perform off-screen buffering of redundant <li> nodes
// TODO found text highlighting. (more complex than first thought)
function ol( start ){
return $('<ol class="msgcat"></ol>').attr('start',start).appendTo(view);
function filter(s){
var i, block, found = dict.find(s), f = -1, length = found.length, $ol;
if( length ){
while( ++f < length ){
block = blocks[ found[f] ];
i = block[0];
$ol = ol( i+1 );
for( ; i <= block[1]; i++ ){
$ol.append( items[i]/*.cloneNode(true)*/ );
else {
// translators: When text filtering reduces to an empty view
ol(0).append( $('<li></li>').text( loco.l10n._('Nothing matches the text filter') ) );
filtered = true;
function unfilter(){
if( filtered ){
filtered = false;
ol(1).append( items );
function validate( bool ){
if( valid !== bool ){
$('#loco-content')[ bool ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass' ]('loco-invalid');
valid = bool;
loco.watchtext( $(view.parentNode).find('form.loco-filter')[0].q, function(q){
q ? filter(q) : unfilter();
} );
}( view, loco.fulltext.init() );
// OK to show view now. may have taken a while to render and index
// resize function fits scrollable viewport, accounting for headroom and touching bottom of screen.
var resize = function(){
function top( el, ancestor ){
var y = el.offsetTop||0;
while( ( el = el.offsetParent ) && el !== ancestor ){
y += el.offsetTop||0;
return y;
var fixHeight,
maxHeight = view.clientHeight - 2
return function(){
var topBanner = top( view, document.body ),
winHeight = window.innerHeight,
setHeight = winHeight - topBanner - 20
if( fixHeight !== setHeight ){
if( setHeight < maxHeight ){ = String(setHeight)+'px';
else { = '';
fixHeight = setHeight;
$(window).resize( resize );
// enable file reference links to open modal to ajax service
$(view).click( function(event){
var link =;
if( link.hasAttribute('href') ){
getModal().html('<div class="loco-loading"></div>').dialog('option','title','Loading..').off('dialogopen').dialog('open').on('dialogopen',onModalOpen);
var postdata = $.extend( { ref:link.textContent, path:conf.popath }, conf.project||{} ); 'fsReference', postdata, onRefSource, onRefError );
return false;
} );
function getModal(){
return $modal || ( $modal = $('<div id="loco-po-ref"></div>').dialog( {
dialogClass : 'loco-modal',
modal : true,
autoOpen : false,
closeOnEscape : true,
resizable : false,
height : 500
} ) );
// when reference pulling fails (e.g. file not found, or line nonexistant)
function onRefError( xhr, error, message ){
$error = $('<p></p>').text( message );
// display reference source when received via ajax response
function onRefSource( result ){
var code = result && result.code;
if( ! code ){
var i = -1,
length = code.length,
$ol = $('<ol></ol>').attr('class',result.type);
while( ++i < length ){
$('<li></li>').html( code[i] ).appendTo($ol);
// Highlight referenced line
$ol.find('li').eq( result.line - 1 ).attr('class','highlighted');
// TODO enable highlight toggling of other lines via click/drag etc..
getModal().dialog('close').html('').dialog('option','title', result.path+':'+result.line).append($ol).dialog('open');
// scroll to first highlighted line of code once modal open
function onModalOpen( event, ui ){
var div =,
line = $(div).find('li.highlighted')[0],
yAbs = line && line.offsetTop || 0, // <- position of line relative to container
yVis = Math.floor( div.clientHeight / 2 ), // <- target position of line relative to view port
yAdj = Math.max( 0, yAbs - yVis ) // scroll required to move line to visual position
div.scrollTop = yAdj;
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
* Script for bundle setup page
* TODO translations
!function( window, document, $ ){
* Look up bundle configuration on remote server
function find( vendor, slug, version ){
function onFailure(){
if( timer ){
function onResponse( data, status, obj ){
if( timer ){
var match = data && data.exact,
status = data && data.status
if( match ){
setJson( match );
else if( 404 === status ){
unsetJson("Sorry, we don't know a bundle by this name");
else {
loco.notices.debug( data.error || 'Unknown server error' );
function onTimeout(){
unsetJson('Failed to contact remote API');
timer = null;
function destroy(){
if( timer ){
clearTimeout( timer );
timer = null;
var timer = setTimeout( onTimeout, 3000 );
$.ajax( {
url: conf.apiUrl+'/'+vendor+'/'+slug+'.jsonp?version='+encodeURIComponent(version),
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: onResponse,
error: onFailure,
cache: true
} );
return {
abort: destroy
function setJson( json ){
elForm['json-content'].value = json;
function unsetJson( message ){
elForm['json-content'].value = '';
$('#loco-remote-empty').show().find('span').text( message );
function onFindClick( event ){
finder && finder.abort();
finder = find( elForm.vendor.value, elForm.slug.value, elForm.version.value );
return false;
function onCancelClick( event ){
return false;
function setVendors( list ){
var i = -1,
value, label,
length = list.length,
$select = $(elForm.vendor).html('')
while( ++i < length ){
value = list[i][0];
label = list[i][1];
$select.append( $('<option></option>').attr('value',value).text(label) );
var loco = window.locoScope,
conf = window.locoConf,
elForm = document.getElementById('loco-remote'),
$findButt = $(elForm).find('button[type="button"]').click( onFindClick ),
$resetButt = $(elForm).find('input[type="reset"]').click( onCancelClick );
// pull vendor list
$.ajax( {
url: conf.apiUrl+'/vendors.jsonp',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: setVendors,
cache: true
} );
}( window, document, jQuery );
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
class Loco_admin_DebugController extends Loco_mvc_AdminController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(){
* {@inheritdoc}
public function render(){
// debug package listener
$themes = array();
/* @var $bundle Loco_package_Bundle */
foreach( Loco_package_Listener::singleton()->getThemes() as $bundle ){
$themes[] = array (
'id' => $bundle->getId(),
'name' => $bundle->getName(),
'default' => $bundle->getDefaultProject()->getSlug(),
'count' => count($bundle),
$this->set('themes', $themes );
$plugins = array();
/* @var $bundle Loco_package_Bundle */
foreach( Loco_package_Listener::singleton()->getPlugins() as $bundle ){
$plugins[] = array (
'id' => $bundle->getId(),
'name' => $bundle->getName(),
'default' => $bundle->getDefaultProject()->getSlug(),
'count' => count($bundle),
// $this->set( 'plugins', Loco_package_Plugin::get_plugins() );
// $this->set('installed', wp_get_installed_translations('plugins') );
// $this->set('active', get_option( 'active_plugins', array() ) );
// $this->set('langs',get_available_languages());
/*$plugins = get_plugins();
$plugin_info = get_site_transient( 'update_plugins' );
foreach( $plugins as $plugin_file => $plugin_data ){
if ( isset( $plugin_info->response[$plugin_file] ) ) {
$plugins[$plugin_file]['____'] = $plugin_info->response[$plugin_file];
/*/ inspect session and test flash messages
$session = Loco_data_Session::get();
$session->flash( 'success', microtime() );
$this->set('session', $session->getArrayCopy() );
// try some notices
Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( new Loco_error_Success('This is a sample success message') );
Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( new Loco_error_Warning('This is a sample warning') );
Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( new Loco_error_Exception('This is a sample error') );
Loco_error_AdminNotices::add( new Loco_error_Debug('This is a sample debug message') );
return $this->view('admin/debug');
class Loco_admin_ErrorController extends Loco_mvc_AdminController {
public function renderError( Exception $e ){
$this->set('error', Loco_error_Exception::convert($e) );
return $this->render();
public function render(){
$e = $this->get('error');
if( $e ){
/* @var Loco_error_Exception $e */
$file = Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( new Loco_fs_File( $e->getRealFile() ) );
$file['line'] = $e->getRealLine();
$this->set('file', $file );
if( loco_debugging() ){
$trace = array();
foreach( $e->getRealTrace() as $raw ) {
$frame = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams($raw);
if( $frame->has('file') ){
$frame['file'] = Loco_mvc_FileParams::create( new Loco_fs_File($frame['file']) )->relpath;
$trace[] = $frame;
else {
$e = new Loco_error_Exception('Unknown error');
$this->set('error', $e );
return $this->view( $e->getTemplate() );
* Generic navigation helper.
class Loco_admin_Navigation extends ArrayIterator {
* @return Loco_admin_Navigation
public function add( $name, $href = null, $active = false ){
$this[] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( compact('name','href','active') );
return $this;
/* not currently used
* @return Loco_admin_Navigation
public function addRoute( $name, $action ){
$href = Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $action );
return $this->add( $name, $href );
* Create a breadcrumb trail for a given view below a bundle
* @return Loco_admin_Navigation
public static function createBreadcrumb( Loco_package_Bundle $bundle ){
$nav = new Loco_admin_Navigation;
// root link depends on bundle type
$type = strtolower( $bundle->getType() );
if( 'core' !== $type ){
$link = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array(
'href' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate($type),
) );
if( 'theme' === $type ){
$link['name'] = __('Themes','loco-translate');
else {
$link['name'] = __('Plugins','loco-translate');
$nav[] = $link;
// Add actual bundle page, href may be unset to show as current page if needed
$nav->add (
Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate( $type.'-view', array( 'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle() ) )
// client code will add current page
return $nav;
* @return Loco_mvc_ViewParams
public function getSecondLast(){
$i = count($this);
if( $i > 1 ){
return $this[ $i-2 ];
\ No newline at end of file
abstract class Loco_admin_RedirectController extends Loco_mvc_AdminController {
* Get full URL for redirecting to.
* @var string
abstract public function getLocation();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(){
$location = $this->getLocation();
if( $location && wp_redirect($location) ){
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
* @internal
public function render(){
return 'Failed to redirect';
\ No newline at end of file
* Highest level Loco admin screen.
class Loco_admin_RootController extends Loco_admin_list_BaseController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getHelpTabs(){
return array (
__('Overview','default') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-home'),
* Render main entry home screen
public function render(){
// translators: home screen title where %s is the version number
$this->set('title', sprintf( __('Loco Translate %s','loco-translate'), loco_plugin_version() ) );
// Show currently active theme on home page
$theme = Loco_package_Theme::create(null);
$this->set('theme', $this->bundleParam($theme) );
// Show plugins that have currently loaded translations
$bundles = array();
foreach( Loco_package_Listener::singleton()->getPlugins() as $bundle ){
try {
$bundles[] = $this->bundleParam($bundle);
catch( Exception $e ){
// bundle should exist if we heard it. reduce to debug notice
Loco_error_AdminNotices::debug( $e->getMessage() );
$this->set('plugins', $bundles );
// Show recently "used' bundles
$bundles = array();
$recent = Loco_data_RecentItems::get();
// filter in lieu of plugin setting
$maxlen = apply_filters('loco_num_recent_bundles', 10 );
foreach( $recent->getBundles(0,$maxlen) as $id ){
try {
$bundle = Loco_package_Bundle::fromId($id);
$bundles[] = $this->bundleParam($bundle);
catch( Exception $e ){
// possible that bundle ID changed since being saved in recent items list
$this->set('recent', $bundles );
// current locale and related links
$locale = Loco_Locale::parse( get_locale() );
$api = new Loco_api_WordPressTranslations;
$tag = (string) $locale;
$this->set( 'siteLocale', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array(
'code' => $tag,
'name' => ( $name = $locale->ensureName($api) ),
'attr' => 'class="'.$locale->getIcon().'" lang="'.$locale->lang.'"',
'link' => '<a href="'.esc_url(Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('lang-view', array('locale'=>$tag) )).'">'.esc_html($name).'</a>',
//'opts' => admin_url('options-general.php').'#WPLANG',
) ) );
// user's "admin" language may differ and is worth showing
if( function_exists('get_user_locale') ){
$locale = Loco_Locale::parse( get_user_locale() );
$alt = (string) $locale;
if( $tag !== $alt ){
$this->set( 'adminLocale', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array(
'name' => ( $name = $locale->ensureName($api) ),
'link' => '<a href="'.esc_url(Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('lang-view', array('locale'=>$tag) )).'">'.esc_html($name).'</a>',
) ) );
$this->set('title', __('Welcome to Loco Translate','loco-translate') );
return $this->view('admin/root');
\ No newline at end of file
* Bundle configuration page
class Loco_admin_bundle_ConfController extends Loco_admin_bundle_BaseController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(){
$bundle = $this->getBundle();
// translators: where %s is a plugin or theme
$this->set( 'title', sprintf( __('Configure %s','loco-translate'),$bundle->getName() ) );
$post = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get();
// always set a nonce for current bundle
$nonce = $this->setNonce( $this->get('_route').'-'.$this->get('bundle') );
$this->set('nonce', $nonce );
try {
// Save configuration if posted
if( $post->has('conf') ){
if( ! $post->name ){
$post->name = $bundle->getName();
$this->checkNonce( $nonce->action );
$model = new Loco_config_FormModel;
$model->loadForm( $post );
// configure bundle from model in full
$reader = new Loco_config_BundleReader( $bundle );
$reader->loadModel( $model );
// Delete configuration if posted
else if( $post->has('unconf') ){
catch( Exception $e ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( $e->getMessage() );
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getHelpTabs(){
return array (
__('Advanced tab','loco-translate') => $this->viewSnippet('tab-bundle-conf'),
* {@inheritdoc}
public function render() {
$parent = null;
$bundle = $this->getBundle();
$default = $bundle->getDefaultProject();
$base = $bundle->getDirectoryPath();
// parent themes are inherited into bundle, we don't want them in the child theme config
if( $bundle->isTheme() && ( $parent = $bundle->getParent() ) ){
$this->set( 'parent', new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( array(
'name' => $parent->getName(),
'href' => Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('theme-conf', array( 'bundle' => $parent->getSlug() ) + $_GET ),
) ) );
// render postdata straight back to form if sent
$data = Loco_mvc_PostParams::get();
// else build initial data from current bundle state
if( ! $data->has('conf') ){
// create single default set for totally unconfigured bundles
if( 0 === count($bundle) ){
$writer = new Loco_config_BundleWriter($bundle);
$data = $writer->toForm();
// removed parent bundle from config form, as they are inherited
/* @var Loco_package_Project $project */
foreach( $bundle as $i => $project ){
if( $parent && $parent->hasProject($project) ){
// warn if child theme uses parent theme's text domain (but allowing to render so we don't get an empty form.
if( $project === $default ){
Loco_error_AdminNotices::warn( __("Child theme declares the same Text Domain as the parent theme",'loco-translate') );
// else safe to remove parent theme configuration as it should be held in its own bundle
else {
$data['conf'][$i]['removed'] = true;
// build config blocks for form
$i = 0;
$conf = array();
foreach( $data['conf'] as $raw ){
if( empty($raw['removed']) ){
$slug = $raw['slug'];
$domain = $raw['domain'] or $domain = 'untitled';
$raw['prefix'] = sprintf('conf[%u]', $i++ );
$raw['short'] = ! $slug || ( $slug === $domain ) ? $domain : $domain.'→'.$slug;
$conf[] = new Loco_mvc_ViewParams( $raw );
// bundle level configs
$name = $bundle->getName();
$excl = $data['exclude'];
// access to type of configuration that's currently saved
$this->set('saved', $bundle->isConfigured() );
// link to author if there are config problems
$info = $bundle->getHeaderInfo();
$this->set('author', $info->getAuthorLink() );
// link for downloading current configuration XML file
$args = array (
'path' => 'loco.xml',
'action' => 'loco_download',
'bundle' => $bundle->getHandle(),
'type' => $bundle->getType()
$this->set( 'xmlUrl', Loco_mvc_AjaxRouter::generate( 'DownloadConf', $args ) );
$this->set( 'manUrl', apply_filters('loco_external','') );
$this->prepareNavigation()->add( __('Advanced configuration','loco-translate') );
return $this->view('admin/bundle/conf', compact('conf','base','name','excl') );
\ No newline at end of file
* Dummy controller skips "core" list view, rendering the core projects directly as a single bundle.
* Route: loco-core -> loco-core-view
class Loco_admin_list_CoreController extends Loco_admin_RedirectController {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getLocation(){
return Loco_mvc_AdminRouter::generate('core-view');
\ No newline at end of file
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